vitamins are an essential compound for living organism. It takes a part in living organism cellular function. It controls our metabolism. We need it in very small quantity. That human body work correctly. We have a bunch of vitamins like vitamin A, some vitamin B (like B1, effectB2, B3, B6,andB12 ), vitamin C, D, E, k.We usually get it from food. Because human body not synthesized vitamins except some vitamins like D, K, and few vitamins B –COMPLEX that’s why we have to get it from food.
vitamins are an essential compound for living organism. It takes a part in living organism cellular function. It controls our metabolism. We need it in very small quantity. That human body work correctly. We have a bunch of vitamins like vitamin A, some vitamin B (like B1, effectB2, B3, B6,andB12 ), vitamin C, D, E, k.We usually get it from food. Because human body not synthesized vitamins except some vitamins like D, K, and few vitamins B –COMPLEX that’s why we have to get it from food.

Vitamins are classified into two types .1. Water - soluble vitamins do not stay for a long time in our body expel out through urine.Vitamin C and B are water-soluble. On the other -hand 2. Fat – soluble stored in the fatty tissues of the body and the liver. Those are vitamin (A, K, E, and D ). vegetable are a big source of vitamins.
Chemical names: RETINOL.
Vitamin A is fat soluble. We can get it from the animal source. vitamin A helped bone growth development of skin and eyesight and fight against infection and disease. Vitamin A deficiency caused night blindness, and xerophthalmia. Excessive alcohol user caused reduces the storage of vitamin A in the liver
Out of 13 vitamins, 8 vitamins are make up the B – complex vitamins. Vitamin B deficiency caused lack of energy.All vitamin B is water soluble. Alcohol and over cooking destroy it

the chemical name is RIBOFLAVIN. it mainly concerned with energy production and take apart in vision and skin health.Main sources are bananas, cottage cheese, meat, fish etc. VIT B2 deficiency caused Ariboflavinosis. The decreased used of milk and milk items cause this disease.
The chemical name is NIACIN. It is very important to the body because it changed carbohydrate, fat into energy. It helps skin health and digestive system. We can get this vitamin from broccoli, dates mushrooms, etc. Vitamin B3 deficiency caused pellagra
The chemical name is PANTOTHENIC ACID. It produced red blood cell and steroid hormone.
The main source is meat, fish ovaries, whole grain. Deficiency may lead to paresthesia.
The chemical name is PYRIDOXINE.
sources are meats, but freeze but freezing and canning the food lose their substance. Deficiency caused anemia, peripheral neuropathy. Excessive use will damage the nerve.

The chemical name is BIOTIN. Use for energy metabolism and glycogen synthesis. Excessive use of that cause high cholesterol level. Deficiency caused abnormal heart rate, hallucination, dermatitis etc
The chemical name is FOLATE. It helped our body to make blood cells
which give oxygen to the whole body. In the pregnancy that is the best vitamin to take. Because it prevents child by birth defects.
Chemical names CYANOCOBALAMIN.
It maintains the myelin surrounding nerve cells. Deficiency caused
megaloblastic anemia. Sources are an animal.
Chemical names ASCORBIC ACID
Deficiency same as B12 and short term lead to weakness, weight loss, and long-term leads to scurvy and affect connective tissues. we get it from many foods but especially from citrus fruit. vitamin c is good for many diseases prevention. It prevents consolidate artery from clotting in vein and arteries. They are water soluble.

They are fat soluble and their deficiency causes rickets and osteomalacia and. The best source is ( UV) ultraviolet rays of the sun or from food. According to research, the women who take Vit D supplements get 77 % less affected chance compare to those women who do not take it.
Chemical names TOCOPHEROLS.Fat soluble and deficiency cause hemolytic anemia in new borns
Chemical names PHYLLOQUINONE
fat soluble deficiency caused bleeding diathesis And parsley contain a lot of it.
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ReplyDeletevery well described👍