Friday 24 March 2017



 The human body like any other machine, needs high quality fuel in order to function at its very best, for example athletes. Athletes have all the nutrients they need to help them perform at their best.

A healthy diet is one that helps to maintain or improve overall health. A healthy diet provides the body with essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals etc and some adequate calories.The requirements from a healthy diet can be met from a variety of  plant based and animal based foods. A healthy diet supports energy needs and provides nutrition without exposure to toxicity or excessive weight gain from consuming excessive amounts. A  properly balanced diet (in addition to exercises) is also thought to be improvement of lowering health risks. such as obesity, heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, cancer and hypertension.

Balanced diet contain good nutrition. Balanced diet gives your body the nutrients it needs to function correctly.

There are 7 components for a balanced diet which are:
Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats and lipids, Minerals and vitamins, water.


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our body. The energy is used first before any other source because they are
easily digested. Aids with bodily functions and provides vital nutrients for good bacteria in our intestine that helps digestion.

    Recommended daily intake = 40 to 50%
1 gram of carbohydrate produces 4.6 kilo calories (4600 calories)


Proteins are the secondary source of energy. Carbohydrates and fats are low but protein are high source of energy. the active individuals require more protein in order to promote tissue growth and repair. By taking right amount of protein and appropriate training one can build muscle mass and an ideal body.
Recommended daily intake= 25 to 35%
1g of protein produces 4.2 kilo calories (4200 calories).


Fat is a concentrated energy source. it is predominantly used for low intensity exercises. It actually helps in vitamin and mineral absorption.
Recommended daily intake is 25 to 30%
1g of fats produces 9.1 kilo calories (9100 calories)



The body cant make its own vitamins and minerals so we get them through consuming certain nutrients. They activate the metabolic processes of our body and release from foods.They Builds and maintain bones, teeth skin and blood and help maintain a normal healthy body. 


It is the most abundant single constituent of the body. Water forms 75% of total body mass in a newborn, 60% in a lean adult male and 50% in an adult female. In obese people the water content of the body is about 10% less. It is a medium in which body solutes are dissolved and most of the metabolic reactions take place.

Vital for transporting nutrients and oxygen around the body. And it is very important for digestion.

A deficiency of any one type of nutrient can lead to a disease, starvation (or dehydration in the case of water) and subsequent death.

Thursday 23 March 2017



A mineral is a naturally occurring chemical compound usually of crystalline form and abiogenic in origin. A mineral has one specific chemical composition, where as a rock can be an aggregate of different minerals and mineraloids. The study of minerals is called mineralogy


There are approximately 4000 different minerals and each of those minerals has a unique set of physical properties. These include color, streak, hardness, gravity, luster, magnetism. These physical properties are useful for identifying mineral  


1. Native element. e.g Gold, Silver, Mercury, Graphite, Diamonds
2.Oxides. e.g corundum, hematite, spinel
3.Hydroxides. e.g Geothite, brucite
4.Sulfates. e.g Baryte, gypsum
5. Phosphates. e.g Apatite, monazite
6. Halides. e.g Fluorite, halite
7. Carbonates. e.g Calcite, magnesite, dolomite
8. Orthosilicates. e.g Garnet, olivine
9. Sulfides. e,g Pyrite, galena, spherite
10. Ring silicates. e.g Tourmaline, beryl

There are two different types of minerals 
1. MACRO MINERALS: These minerals your body needs in large amounts
2. TRACE MINERALS: These minerals your body needs in small amounts


RBCs contain iron which attaches to oxygen. Minerals are inorganic substances that are found in soil and rocks. They are essential nutrients that the body needs to survive and carry out daily functions and processes

  • Brazil nuts, cashew nuts
  • cheese, eggs, milk
  • chicken, lean, meat, liver
  • garlic, onion
  • green vegetables
  • mackerel, salmon, tuna
  • sunflower seeds

Several minerals are important for bone health. calcium, the most important mineral in your body, combines with phosphorus, another essential mineral, to form calcium phosphate, the salt compound that makes up your bones and teeth


1. Iron in the framework of large building
2. Clay in bricks and roofing tiles
3. Slate for roofing tiles
4. Limestone
5. Clay
6. Shale and gypsum in cement
7. Gypsum in plaster
8. Silica sand in window glass

Of the 92 elements found in the earth, 40 of them used in our daily lives.Some of the names are common and well known and other seems obscure until one sees that it helps create something we can not live without. The following is most commonly in use
1. Barium
2. Bauxite
3. Beryllium
4. Chromite
5. Cobalt
6. Copper
7. Fluorite
8. Gold
9. Gypsum
10. Lead
12. Manganese
13. Mica
14. Nickel
15. Platinum
16. Potash
17. Silica
18. Zinc 
19. Sulfur
20. Tungsten  


Some common examples of minerals include quartz, graphite, rubies, turquoise, sulfur With few exceptions, minerals are objects that are naturally without the intervention of humans

Milk and other dairy products such as Yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese are good sources of calcium 

Some kinds of orange juice, soy milk are also a good source


"Just like vitamin", minerals help your body grow, develop, and stay healthy. The body uses minerals to perform many functions from building strong bones to transmitting the impulse. Some minerals are even used to make hormones or maintain a normal heartbeat

Thursday 16 March 2017

Chemistry Of Enzyme


Enzyme are the macromolecular protein biocatalyst.It speed up the chemical reactions without being changed in overall process.Enzymes are the central part of every biochemical process.The study of enzyme is called Enzymology.
The enzyme can catalyze more than 5000 types of biochemical reactions. 

History Of Enzyme:  

The biological catalyst was first time recognized in late 1700s during study on digestion of meat in stomach through some Chemical secretions.In 1850s,Louis posture concluded the experiment of fermentation in which sugar molecules is converted into alcohol by the help of yeast ferments.In 1877,FREDERICH WILHELM KUHNE called these yeast ferment molecule "ENZYME"

Later,enzyme used for non living substances such as pepsin and the ferment used for the chemical activity that is produced by living organisms.

Classification Of Enzyme:

Enzymes are classified into six major classes:

1. Oxidoreductase:

          Oxidoreductase are those enzyme Which catalyze oxidation- reduction reactions,such as:

2.  Transferases:

           Transferases are those enzyme which help in transfer of functional group (amino group or phosphate group)such as

3.  Hydrolases:

        Hydrolases are those enzyme which help in transfer of water because they catalyze hydrolysis of substrate,such as:

4.  Lyases:

         Lyases are those enzyme which helps in addition or removal of water,ammonia,carbon dioxide to form a double bond Such as:

5.  Isomerases:

          Isomerases are those enzyme which catalyze rearrangement of atoms within a molecule,such as:

6.  Ligases:

           ligases are those enzyme which helps in joining of 2 molecules,suchvas:

Structure Of Enzyme:

Enzymes are globular proteins.Like proteins,it consist of linear chains of aminoacids that fold together to form a 3D structure.The catalytic activity of enzyme is depend upon the specific sequence of aminoacids.Enzymes are much larger than their substrate.It contains active site and allosteric site.Active site for binding of substrate and allosteric site for binding of a small molecule which causes confirmational changes in enzyme structure that increase or decrease enzyme activity.

Properties Of Enzyme:

Basically Enzymes are protein biocatalyst that increase the velocity of chemical reaction without being consumed during the reaction.It do not alters the equilibrium of reaction.

1.  Active site:

Enzyme molecule contains a specific cleft called active site.It is formed by the folding of proteins that contains aminoacid side chain that helps in the binding of substrate and catalyses.substrate binds with enzyme formed enzyme-substrate(ES)complex which causes confirmational changes in enzyme and allow catalysis.Then ES converted into an enzyme-product(EP)complex which dissociate into enzyme and product.

2.  Catalytic Efficiency:

Enzyme-catalyzed reactions are highly efficient.It increase the rate of reaction by lowering its A.E.

3.  Specificity:

Enzyme are highly specific in nature due to its 3D structure.It interacts with one or few substrates and catalyzed only one type of chemical reaction.

4. Holoenzyme:

Enzyme with its non-protein component is called holoenzyme.It is active in natue.

5. Apoenzyme:

The enzyme without its non-protein component is called apoenzyme.It is inactive in nature.

6. Cofactor:

In enzyme if non-protein component is a metal ion such as Zinc ion or ferrous ion is called cofactor.

7.  Co-Enzyme:

If non protein component is a small organic molecule in enzyme is called co-enzyme.It is commonly derived from vitamins.For example NAD+ contains niacin,FAD contains riboflavin.

8.  Regulation:

The activity of enzyme is regulated either by increased or decreased rate of product formation depending upon need of cell.

9.  Ribozyme:

Some RNA act like enzymes called ribozymes which catalyzed cleavage and synthesis of phosphodiester bond.

Mechanism Of Enzyme:

As we know that enzymes are very imp b/c it mediates all chemical reactions of life.It is highly specific for particular reactions.Enzyme perform their work by following ways:

1.  Substrate Binding:

Enzymes are highly specific in nature so it bind with specific substrate to catalyze any chemical reaction.

2. Energy Changes:

During chemical reaction,when enzyme bind with substrate some energy changes occur.Enzyme overcomes a barrier of energy called A.E and convert the reactant A into product B through the transition state.

3.  Rate Of Reaction:

In the presence of enzyme,more molecules have sufficient amount of energy to overcome a energy barrier of transition state.By this way it fasters the rate of reaction by lowering its energy of activation.

Theories Of Enzyme:

1. Key And Lock Theory:

In 1894, EMIL FISHER proposed that," Both enzyme and substrate possess specific complementary geometric shape that fit exactly into one another.He called it lock and key model.This theory explains enzyme specificity but fails to explain the enzyme stability.

2.  Induced Fit Model Theory:

In 1958, DANIEL KOSHLAND proposed induced fit model.He explained that," when a substrate bind with enzyme induce changes in enzyme structure and these changes enable enzyme to perform its catalytic activity more effectively.

Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity:

Following are the factors which affect the enzyme activity:

1. Substrate Concentration:

The rate of reaction increases with an increase of concentration of substrate.At very high concentration of substrate,enzyme exert retarding effect on enzyme activity.

2. Effect Of Temperature:

Enzymes are sensitive to temperature.Every enzyme has its own temperature and below this temperature enzyme activity is decreased.Enzymes are highly active at 37°C and destroyed at 100°C .At 0°C its activity is reduced to minimum but not destroyed.

3. Effect Of pH:

The activity of enzyme vary with change of pH.Generally each enzyme has its own optimum pH.Extreme of pH can also lead to denaturation of enzyme.For e.g: pepsin has optimum pH 2.It is inactive in neutral or alkaline solution.

4. Inhibitor:

Inhibitor are those substances which decrease the activity of enzyme.It directly combine with enzyme or may act with activator so activator is not available for activation of enzyme.

Types Of Inhibitor:

1. Competitive Inhibitors:

competitive inhibitors are resemble with the real substrate of enzyme.It binds with active site of an enzyme by blocking the substrate.This type of inhibition can be overcome with high substrate concentration.

2. Non-Competitive Inhibitors:

Non-competitive inhibitors binds with an allosteric site of enzyme and obstruct the enzymatic activity and substrate still binds with active site of enzyme with usual affinity.It is not overcome with high substrate concentration.

Biological Functions Of Enzyme:

Enzyme performs several functions in living organism:
  1. They help in signal transduction and cell regulation by kinases and phosphatases.
  2. In cell membrane,ATPase enzyme are present that act as an ion pump,involved in active transport.
  3. In animals, it helps in the digestion of food such as proteases and amylases which convert the larger molecules into smaller molecules so they can be easily absorbed by intestine.
  4. some viruses also contain enzymes for causing infection in cells such as influenza virus has nuraminidase.etc.